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Old 06-17-2008, 05:25 PM   #58 (permalink)
The Unfan
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Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword View Post
That isn't what I am saying though. I am talking about examining the relationship between anything where you can't prove it's existence, but you can't disprove its existence.
Assume neither and do an unbiased study.

Originally Posted by Billabong01 View Post
To the OP: I love it when atheist's like you bitch and moan over other religions and complain that religions force their views upon other people, but what are you doing right now? You are telling everyone who believes in god that he does not exist and it is stupid to even do so. So who is the bad guy here? I see here a self contradicting moron who seems to be doing the exact same things as the people he despises and has yet to provide anything worthy of an argument. I suggest you do your homework a little more, and be a little more opened minded on situations such as this, because your argument failed from the start. (I'm Atheist btw.)
Three points to address. First I agree the argument failed because it didn't make any valid points.

Second "forcing" atheism doesn't work on a political spectrum. Of course you can't literally force anyone to believe anything so politically forcing would involve enforcing policies and ideaologies, right? Well atheism is secular and without inherent policy or idea. If you force secularism all you've effectively done is force the right for them to believe whatever they want and practice it within reason. If you force any religion you've taken those freedoms away.

Lastly it isn't harmful to educate people and provide proof of where they're wrong and why they're wrong. Being open to education is a good thing. We should challenge all faiths openly. Intelligence is a good thing and we shouldn't shy away from it.
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