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Old 06-09-2008, 10:52 PM   #8 (permalink)
Laughing Boy
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Originally Posted by ProggyMan View Post
Uh, go look up Warp Records and listen to the bands on their roster. Tell me they don't sound similar. Until then you don't have an argument.
You're the one who's not offering an argument you just keep telling me to listen to Warp records and trying to act all high and mighty about it. I've heard plenty of their artists, I'm a huge Aphex Twin fan for one thing. I've heard people on that label from Autechre to Prefuse73 and !!!, Battles and Grizzly Bear were huge last year. So fuck off and don't tell me to listen to Warp records and research them because I have and I know who they are. Explain your opinion or shut up and stop acting like a jackass.
He said, "Take a hit, hold your breath and I'll dunk your head
When you wake up again, you'll be high as hell and born again."
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