Originally Posted by SubPop
I don't think any of them are heavy metal, but whatever you want to call them that is fine.
I can deal with Fudge Tunnel having metal attached to their name.
Helmet....meh I think helmets roots were more in the heavy alternative rock scene than any metal scene.
Hence the alternative metal?
I first saw Helmet live in 1993 and they supported Sonic Youth and Mudhoney. Hardly a metal gig. These days I think they are lumped into the metal scene as their detunned riff-o-rama sounds have been coppied by many (nu) metal bands.
I don't see how who they went on tour with varies directly with what genre they are.
Helmet has influenced the likes of System of a Down and other current artists.
The Melvins are not metal they never have been. If you must use that horrible word (grunge) fine they are heavy grunge but they are not metal.
Heavy grunge?
They are grunge, but they are also heavy metal and alternative metal
You need to realise that heavy does not mean metal.
You talk like there's shame in being labeled metal. If they aren't metal, what are they? Enlighten me.