Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Nonsense , there was loads of bands doing that sort of metal/punk/noise hybrid thing around that time and you don't even have to include the grunge movement either.
Silverfish , Bomb Disneyland , ***e Bikers On Acid , Fudge Tunnel , Leatherface , Helmet , The Melvins and I guess you could include the Butthole Surfers , and stuff like Steve Albini's various bands as well.
I guess you are right, I just don't really think of those bands as being metal. Even Fudge Tunnel, who I was into a lot in the early 90's and who was on earache, I never thought of as a metal band.
The Melvins, The Butthole Surfers, Helmet and Albini's projects I definately never though of as metal.