Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Originally Posted by ProggyMan
He's saying cohesion is overrated.
Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Well whatever, I lack my albums to flow it helps me enjoy them more. This doesn't at all. You go from a really amazing track to a subpar one (for Radiohead) or two that are just completely different styles plus 30 songs is alot to listen to which doesn't help.
Well at no point did I say it was overrated, but it was nice of you to put words in my mouth. Next time I'm interested in giving an opinon, I think I might just do it myself. No hard feelings or anything, just good buisness.
Ethan, With regard to "huh", I might ask you the same question in regard to your first sentence. I left a letter out, lets take it down a notch.
The reason I asked about cohesion is because I'm wondering what it offers to you. I realize its a subjective thing, but does it make individual songs better for you?
I ask becuase I thought, even a grouping of disjointed Radiohead tracks would have more similarities than a mixed CD, or a Rhino release from a particualr decade. So theres a level of cohesion that exists, if but in much less capacity than you'd see from say, In Rainbows.
So if I'm going to go ahead and make the assertion that cohesion exists on the album, what we're really talking about now is a level of cohesion...thats where my question comes in.
How much do you need, and what does that much do for you, as an artist listening to art?