Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
Well thats an atrocious call back.
What it really comes down to is that there are expectations based upon factors that in no way dictate or serve as a precursor to those expectations. Theres no Modest Mouse formula per say. Simply because we put some people in a room whose sum equates to Modest Mouse does not mean the same math will yield The Moon and Antarctica.
But people still believe it should. And they believe failure to do so is simply incorrect.
And so to rebel against those who stand on the mountaintop and profess an illogicality and then to take it even further and condemn others for not blindly following their faulty logic, well it just borders on the zealousness of religion.
In short, if you didn't like this album you oppose same sex marriage and abortion rights and you should stop eating meat on fridays and onyl have sex when you're married.
Its all laid out right there.
hahahah and if you were serious: HAHAHAHHAHAHA