Originally Posted by Wayfarer
...name calling? When?
And oh yes, using "profanity" is so immature. Get a ****ing grip.
It appears that I was mistaken on the name calling, and where did I ever say using prafanities was immature? Also, why are you quoting "profanity" for? I said "profanities" not "profanity." And you are being immature. Think about it, I was having a discussion with another member when you say: "FFS. Is it that big a deal? Oh noez, some guy on the internet put a tenth member on his list when there's technically only nine! Shut the **** up." Was I talking to you? No. Were you in the conversation at all? No. Did you insult me when I wasn't directing anything to you at all? Yes. That is immature and you need to grow up.