05-25-2008, 02:16 AM
#1 (permalink)
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Los Alamos, New Mexico
Posts: 4
"The Wizard of Oz" is apparently on the "Dark Side Of The Moon"
Note: I posted this elsewhere, I have no idea how to work forums, but someone had written something that triggered the following.
About every other year, someone tells me, or the story reasserts itself, that Pink Floyd's album "Dark Side Of The Moon" works in perfect synchronicity with the movie "The Wizard of Oz."
It's not easy, of course.
You have the set up the CD and the DVD. You must start the CD and then pause it. When the MGM lion roars for the third time, you start the CD and it's....magic! Amazing! Totally existential, man!
There are whole websites devoted to this phenomena, including one that is so meticulously detailed that I suspect the developer took four years off work to create it. Or perhaps he was on unemployment. Or maybe he's a burned-out pothead at some institution, I really don't know.
(At some point he links to certain recipes for foods you can eat during this viewing of "Oz" and hearing of "Dark Side Of The Moon" in your Home Theater, food that sort of synch up with the movie. I guess. I'd say he makes it a whole-body experience.)
And some websites assign far more sinister motives to this synchronicity than just entertainment.
I love Pink Floyd and right after I finished running "The White Album" in reverse and listening in amazement as the Beatles embedded in their work the words "Number NINE, Number NINE" I moved right on up to REAL stoners' music and did the "Dark Side Of The Moon" thing.
Here's a bit of news, though.
"Dark Side Of The Moon" also synchs with "Raising Arizona", "Rambo", "Dead Poet's Society" and, most significantly, "Lady And The Tramp."
I've been there, I've said, "Whoa! How did Gilmour DO that?" despite the fact that in interview after interview, the lead vocalist of Pink Floyd declared he had never seen "The Wizard of Oz" and had no connection with it whatsoever. What a genius, man! He did it without seeing the movie! That's, like, so totally chillingly bizarre!
There are some interesting details about the recording of "Dark Side Of The Moon" and frankly, the CD alone is well worth any listener's time without added enhancements of pot and/or "The Wizard of Oz", but it no more parallels Dorothy's adventures than Elvis Presley's All-Time Gospel Hits does with "Top Gun."
It's still a cool experience. If you have "Dark Side Of The Moon" but not "The Wizard of Oz", you can play it with any of PBS's "Nova" episodes set to "mute" or "ER" or, if you're into it, any episode of "Friends." "South Park" works well (but better with any Grateful Dead CD) and Steely Dan is awesome with "Survivor." (Any Steely Dan and any episode of "Survivor.")
It just depends upon what you're smoking.