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Old 05-24-2008, 10:16 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 1
Default Recorded a new song! helpp

Hey guys, I'm new here, but yeah, I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips. I just wrote and recorded a new song called Hold Fast, and it's on my band's myspace...

Apparently I'm not allowed to post links until I've made 15 posts.. but the band name is VictoriasGhost so just put that after the myspacedotcomslash

I'm using cubase le 4, and I was looking for some feedback/ideas. I've only been using it for about a month and haven't quite figured everything out. I equalized everything used various reverbs/compressors, but the guitars especially still just don't sound that present no matter how much I equalize them.One problem is I recorded the drums using my roland td3sw kit so I can't individually raise volumes/equalize for the drums :[, so I just can't get the bass drum that loud.. Anyways, any comments are greatly appreciated (tell me what you think about the song in general too as in the writing of it :]]])
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