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Old 05-21-2008, 09:36 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Upon completion of listening to the album, the first though that came to my mind actaully was ‘wow that was epic’, because to me it was, especially coming from a band that I expected to produce nothing more than your typical indie rock. I suppose it was because I had very low expectations that I was so surprised, as I had never even listened to any Built To Spill before. Usually albums that have loads of really long songs annoy me, because I never usually have the patience to listen to them all the way through, but with this albums, I didn’t mind at all, the length simply added to the overall climax of each song. Favorite song would probably be either Velvet Waltz, or Untrustable Part 2 (About Someone Else). Overall I would say that although its probably not an album I would listen to all the time, it definitely is a solid album.

white and black, are you looking for the sun boy?
the sun doesn't shine down here, no, not in the shadow
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