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Old 05-16-2008, 12:00 PM   #9 (permalink)
Urban Hat€monger ?
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Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
This post represents an interesting crux. Bands are always told to try new things and evolve lest the fans get bored, yet stray too far from an established formula and it will almost definitely fail miserably.

Problem being fans dont know which they want and will hate on bands that do either too much.
I'd say you can only take each band on it's own merits. For me it depends on if the band is experimental by it's nature or not.
I mean take a band like Can. At the beginning of their career they were basically writing your typical drum/bass/guitar/keyboards riff orientated rock music with touches of experimentation.By the end of their career they were writing funk tunes using African rhythms with whole loads of other stuff thrown it. You listen to their first and last albums back to back it almost sounds like a totally different band. And yet because it's their nature to change things so much I can accept that.

But on the other hand if a band like Oasis or AC/DC suddenly started writing Jazz fusion I would probably avoid it like the plague , mostly because in the past their music has never shown any sign of change or experimentation.

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