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Old 05-06-2008, 08:06 AM   #143 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Yeah there is a lot of intense metal out there, the entire reign in blood album is pretty intense. When Neurosis get their wall of noise thing going they can be intense (Lost, Raise the stray). Early Bathory...intense. Most extreme metal bands with ay substance have their intense moments.

Attending a GG Allin concert would have been pretty intense. As would a 60's era Pink Floyd concert whilst tripping.

But what about a bit of Bong-Ra?

YouTube - Bong-Ra @ lowlands 2006
YouTube - Bong-Ra @ lowlands 2006

and then I give you A nal C unt

I think the Tori Amos call on "me and a gun" wins though. Who needs instruments to make a song intense when your subject matter is off the scale intense.
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