Damn i love the Pistols I think they were really influential and i guess people don't realise it now, but back then acting like they did was insane and no one had ever done that before. Now there are all these fake poseur "punks" who go around doing all that **** and its become more common/normal. Because of all that, so many people just think punk was just rebelling coz it was cool or just for the sake of rebelling. But the Sex Pistols really had things to rebel about. Anybody who's seen Filth and the Fury knows they talk about how working class life in England was hell at the time. Nobody could get any work and it was disgusting. The Sex Pistols inspired people to form bands like Morrissey, Ian Curtis just coz people would think "I could do so much better than them"
I know they weren't exactly amazing musicians, most of them could barely play their instrument (except Sid who couldn't at all..) of course no amazing song structures, amazing tunes or anything, but the bottom line is, they f**king meant it. They're messages made great statements to the society and even still do today (eg Pretty Vacant.) The fact that they're still valid today makes them live on.
wow, long post.
Enjoy, or die.