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Thread: SebastiAn
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Old 04-26-2008, 08:44 AM   #13 (permalink)
Expletive Deleted
Dancing Machine
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Originally Posted by adidasss View Post
For comparison sake, could you point us into the direction of some sets with good mixing?
By him or by anyone else? Because you could probably find a mix by just about any other DJ on the internet and it'd be better. :/ Problems I have with this SebastiAn mix:

1. He does really short, quick mixes in between songs to avoid having to actually beatmatch. Quick mixing is really hard to do properly (it seems like something that would be DJ 101, but it takes a lot of skill to do it right). Listen to a Hip-Hop or Hip-Hop influenced DJ (see: Boys Noize's recent Bugged Out! mix, a great example of when this mix style can work) to see it done right.

2. He does pretty much the exact same "loop the last bars of every track" trick in all his mixes instead of actually mixing out like a normal person. It's such a basic mix technique that it's used almost entirely by amateurs, even though it only ever really works in a Hip-Hop mix. It's sort of silly, pretty much everything he's playing is the same BPM, so he really shouldn't have any trouble at all mixing using cue points, etc. Just forwarding randomly through the mix, he did it right after his RATM remix and again in his mix between Ghetto Obsession and & Down.

3. The selection, like I said, is really good. Lots of good songs in there (a few overplayed ones, but whatever), but the mix doesn't really flow well. I heard DJs lamenting about the whole "one banger after another" mix style that a lot of DJs in this scene have over a year ago now (this mix is from the summer, I think), and this mix is a prime example. SebastiAn picked a lot of good tracks and just sort of stuck them in there willy nilly. There's no song in there that really makes me go "Wow!" because he doesn't ever really build up to anything except even more massive songs. After a while this mix just starts to get boring.
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