Originally Posted by the new scene
well, my honest opinion is that the sex pistols weren't really there for the music, they were there for the image.
I don't really think thats an opinion, they made that pretty clear.
But I don't see why it matters, they mave been a sh*tty band, but even sh*tty bands can make great records which is what they did. Maybe all the credit should go to McLaren, I dunno.
I do hate it when people call them completely talentless, at least when regarding Johnny Rotten, I'd say the guy must have
some creativity in him if Public Image Ltd is any indication, though I might be wrong, I don't know what he contributed to the songwriting if anything at all.
Either way I don't think the motives of artists matter if you like their music. Their music made a hell of an impact, and I honestly don't see how any fan of punk music could not like Never Mind the Bollocks, its a pretty solid record. Even though The Sex Pistols were in it more for the money and sex, drugs and rock n roll than the music, I'd still rather listen to their racket than some of the elitist Indie pricks who actually take themselves seriously as artists. Thats just my opinion.