Music Banter - View Single Post - Isn't 'Pop-Punk' an oxy moron?
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Old 04-22-2008, 04:56 AM   #159 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
You don't need singles or an album to be popular. Led Zeppelin never released any singles but they were still popular...weird concept huh?
I'm not saying you need sales to be popular I'm saying you need to be popular to sell.

Aside from that of course they released a single but singles aren't something people tend to go rush out and buy because your average music shop doesn't typically carry them and most people don't typically care to go and buy them. They become the biggest band in Britain at that time without even releasing an album, you don't need to sell to be popular.
Correct, you do not need to sell to be popular, but you DO need to be popular to sell (and by 'sell' I mean sell allot).

You still haven't told me who you're other two sources were, I've never heard of the two guys. This is the fourth time I've asked you.
Yes I have told you my 2 sources, I quoted them and cited them properly, If you've never heard of them that's your problem, google 'em up or something.

"pop is a corporate enforcing, establishment building movement" implies all, you never specifically stated most. You're being so condescending about me not being able to read but you can't even comprehend what you're saying.
No it implies 'In general".

"Christians are foolish", that's a generalization, which means i'm speaking of them in general. I'm speaking of a group, not a specific entitiy or object.

They still gave you the option to get it for free which plenty of people took advantage of and no doubt led to even more coverage/popularity. It wasn't some simple itunes pay to get it thing, it was do what you want to get it thing. In Rainbow's popularity can very much be attributed to the free option.
This falls into the category of being popular without selling, I've adressed this above so let's stop wasting time splitting hairs on this.

I repeat: ""pop is a corporate enforcing, establishment building movement" implies all, you never specifically stated most. You're being so condescending about me not being able to read but you can't even comprehend what you're saying."
I repeat: It implies "In general".

You don't earn money off of it it only gives you exposure which attributes to your popularity not sales. Unless of course you can provide me with some sort of evidence when your album gets reviewed you somehow start making money off of it. Indirectly it could lead to album sales yes but that doesn't mean you make money off of that good review. it gives you sales indirectly. People read a positive review which assures them it's a good album and they feel compelled to buy it. So.....what's your point?

lol illiteracy*
Shoddy spelling > shoddy reading comprehention.

So Nsync and Britney Spears represent pop in its entirety? Including the stuff from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s? How very ignorant of you.
It represents modern, mainstream pop in general, which is what I'm reffering to.

We're arguing about pop music, pop music has been around for a very long time so yes you do have to argue "yesterdecade" because we're arguing pop. Well actually we're arguing pop and punk, both come from "yesterdecade" either way we're definitely talking about music from "yesterdecade." I mean c'mon we we're just talking about Floyd a quote up, you realize they started out in the 60s right?
If I remember correctly, I started this thread, I started this argument, you are debating my point, and my point (which started as a question) is:

Isn't pop-punk an oxy moron?
Notice the usage of the PRESENT TENSE. That's what I've been using in all of my points. I'm not talking about the 60's I'm talking about THIS era of time.

If someone said "Americans are fat", they aren't talking about the colonial age or the industrial revolution, obviously, and they are also talking about Americans in general, it's NOT implied that they explicitly are reffering to ALL Americans.
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