Artists I Refuse To Like ....EVER
I`ll skip some of the obvious ones that everybody mentions I`ll let you lot say them
Fleetwood Mac - Everything I hated about the 70s , limp wristed soft rock for girls.
The Eagles - Just because everybody else bought Hotel ****ing California doesn`t mean I have to.
Cocteau Twins - Coma inducing boredom
Depeche Mode - Ohh goodie , yet ANOTHER ****ing song with Dave Gahan crying about his heroin addiction.
Alanis Morissette - Whiney bollocks for middle class 20 something girls with a chip on their shoulder
Moby - Sprout munching tosser
The Wonderstuff - I had to include a band that polluted the British music scene in the late 80s / early 90s & it was either this lot or Carter USM.This lot win by a mile for their oh so ironic album titles that make people want to do damage to students who listened to such crap.
The Wedding Present - I`ve heard so many people around my age praising these boring bastards , I don`t get it , examining my nose pickings is more fun than listening to this crap.
U2 & Coldplay - May as well finish off with 2 bands that I don`t even need to say anything about
Urb's RYM Stuff
Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.