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Old 04-19-2008, 10:38 PM   #5 (permalink)
sleepy jack
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No, Pink Floyd and Led Zepplin were not 'pop bands', not even pop-rock, not even 'basically', they were HARD ROCK BANDS.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHA Pink Floyd a hard rock band?! We're talking about the band that recorded Bike and Comfortably Numb right!? Christ why don't you listen to the music before you even try and say what it is and isn't.

Originally Posted by Oomph! View Post
I thought you were interested in objective debate, and here you are pathetically trying to justify being judgemental, please just quit it now.

A. You're wrong
B. It doesn't matter it's an Ad Hominem.

I'm still looking for the objective debate and all I'm seeing is hypocricy and nonsense. If your argument has no substance than just say it, you don't have to go through all this b.s.

A. Sourced article.
B. Wikipedia has been proven to be as accurate as the Encyclopedia Britannica. (if you don't believe me I'll source this claim too)

It's heavily moderated and debated, they are also source nazis.

The thing about wikipedia, it can change and become more correct the moment things happen, it expands and grows, it corrects itself. UNLIKE static, decade old hardcover encyclopedias written during the Cold War.

It's not that simple, if you change an article to some complete bullshit you made up, they will change it back immediately.

About time.

The phrase 'pop' stems from the word popular, but that doesn't mean ANYTHING that is popular is pop music, nor does it mean only popular music is pop music.

No, Pink Floyd and Led Zepplin were not 'pop bands', not even pop-rock, not even 'basically', they were HARD ROCK BANDS.

Say, do you have sources for YOUR definition by any chance?

Well I'm sorry to inform you, he was mistaken. Perhaps 40 years ago the word 'pop' meant something different, maybe your misquoting him, maybe you have the context wrong, maybe he was just plain wrong. But if you're going to say the phrase 'pop music' is DEFINED by literal popularity, than are you preparred to say 'Lil Jon, Beethtoven, and ACDC were 'Pop musicians'?

Maybe your view is conveniently too broad.

Did the Sex Pistols *intentionally* do anything to perpetuate sales? Why were they popular? Same for Pink Floyd. They were popular, they sold, but did they sell thier music and nothing but thier music or did they sell an image, a commercial, etc?

I didn't use wikipedia this time.
Okay now for the very laughable thing about all your arguing.

The wikipedia definition of pop...

Pop music is music charted by the number or sales, plays, etc., that the work receives.[1] It is not a particular genre or style of music, simply that which is the most popular for the tracked period of time. Most commercial music of any genre is composed with deliberate intent to appeal to the majority of its contemporaries.[2][3][4], but, unless extremely popular in its own genre, it must to appeal to a wider audience to appear on the Pop charts.
Is exactly what I said it is, popular music. You see when something sells alot of records or has alot of plays thats popular. I'm not even going to bother replying to your argument please explain to me you got pop is "pop is a corporate enforcing, establishment building movement" out of this.

Oh and its spelled Beethoven.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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