Music Banter - View Single Post - Isn't 'Pop-Punk' an oxy moron?
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Old 04-19-2008, 09:39 PM   #3 (permalink)
sleepy jack
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You've frequently made comments in other threads about "rebelling against the corporate machine" and what not that are typical your nu-metal clique and you listen to bands typical to it. So yeah I'm going to call you a cliche because you are. You can go on about not knowing you but you've posted your taste in music and acted on opinions that are basis enough for me and other posts to judge on, other regulars of this site in fact have judged them. You can call it baseless name calling all you want and try and pretend you're so much more intelligent but you've displayed the arguing skills of someone who has horrible reading comprehension and your wannabe attempts at intelligence and being on the high horse here are ridiculous, it's pretty obvious you don't know much about music. I mean wikipedia is your main backing for your argument, a public site able to be edited by anyone. If that's your basis for your musical facts than you really need to reexamine your own knowledge it can be edited by ANYONE.

Onto the actual subject: pop is possibly the most versatile genre ever in the sense that whatevers popular is pop. Meaning in the 60s and 70s Led Zeppelin, The Kinks, The Who, Pink Floyd, The Beatles were all basically pop groups. Roger Waters even referred to Pink Floyd (including Piper) as a pop group. Pop isn't "corporate enforcing" or anything like that, you're taking a small narrow-minded point of view and looking at the only facet of pop there is. The Sex Pistols share more in common with Pink Floyd then they do garage bands, they were both abrasive, shocking, banned by the BBC, etc. You don't know what pop is, I've pointed this out several times and argued this and posted arguments on it, which you choose to ignore and you're probably going to go on some irrelevant tangent that ends in you citing wikipedia or something to this as usual which only shows your ignorance really.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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