Originally Posted by Crowquill
See the problem with that is pop isn't what you said it is as has been pointed out
Wikipedia (sourced article)
Pop music is music charted by the number or sales, plays, etc., that the work receives.[1] It is not a particular genre or style of music, simply that which is the most popular for the tracked period of time. Most commercial music of any genre is composed with deliberate intent to appeal to the majority of its contemporaries
Uh, yes, it's EXACTLY what I've said it is.
and said and you refuse to believe this and completely ignore it because you're wrapped up in being a rebellious nu-metalheaded git who can't take the fact that pop isn't all Britney Spears.
you know, I never once brought my own personal tastes in music into this thread at all,
you did. I thought we went over this,
You can't know from what I've posted in this thread that I'm just a "rebellious nu-metalheaded git who can't take the fact that pop isn't all Britney Spears."
AD HOMINEM - google it
It's baseless name calling.
there's two things here: you're too stupid to comprehend what people are saying and don't know how to argue or you just don't like it when people disagree with you so you refuse to accept it as truth.
I could say the same about you. It get's us no where.