Originally Posted by SATCHMO
I'm 34 years old, married, have a house, a great career, and lead a responsible, productive, and very fulfilling life. I have never used crack, heroin, cocaine, meth, or any other "stupid" drug. I tried ectsasy once and thought it was stupid as well. When I use marijuana, hallucinogens, or even drink i do it responsibly and moderately. Most of the mushrooms Iv'e eaten have been hand-picked in the wild by me and I have yet to pick a mushroom out of a pile of cow dung. I understand that The Nancy Reagan-ish "drugs are for losers" phrase is mostly positive, but the truth is that term "drug" is a vague and ambiguous word that can be used to denote anything from caffeine to heroine, and the term "losers" in that phrase simply refers to those people who make stupid decisions regarding the drugs they use, how and when they use them, and the motivation for using them in the first place. Drugs arent inherently "bad", People just make stupid decisions.Its great that you don't use drugs, but try to keep an open mind about people who do. Were not all depraved junkies. P.S. I'm not a loser.
i understand what you are saying. but i totally agree with the other person.
drugs can make your life go down the drain in a split second.
there is no such thing as using them "moderately" either you use them or you dont. and i prefer dont. everyone is entitled to their own opinion. and i know that. all druggies arent depraved junkies. they just either think it is cool (which they must of been high) or they are hurt inside. tolerance for shrooms grows very very quickly. I use a drug everyday, caffeine, i drink amp alot. but im not addicted. But man, go out and do what ever in the world you want to do, just keep in your mind that it may make things better or more happier for a couple hours, but after. YOUR BACK TO REALITY.