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Old 04-14-2008, 07:12 PM   #515 (permalink)
i ruin threads
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: littleton newhampshire
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Originally Posted by drugsR4lowlifes View Post
are you guys retarded?
you know anyone can read this, including cops who arrest druggies like you guys.
ay, and what the heck is shrooms or weed or heroine or crack going to help you with in life?
getting arrested? yes.
dieing?possibly, most likely.
if you want to commit suicide. thats probaly the greatest way.
if you want to ruin your life and make it worst than it is. be my geust.
but come on... how long does being high or taking a trip somewhere from shrooms going to last? not long. than you just come back.
woh. seriously GET HELP.
man lighten up people do drugs cause they like them, if you dont like them dont do them

and PS im i geussing that your in middle school or fairly young, and theres a decent chance you would tell cops if you caught someone doing drugs, people get hurt that way

PSS not a threat just life advice
Well there's one thing to know about this town
Not a person doesn't want me underground
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