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Old 04-14-2008, 04:26 AM   #70 (permalink)
Duke Of Slander
Slanderous Duke
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Originally Posted by bruise_violet View Post
HOW is he being a hypocrite? Are you pretending to be stupid?

He is trying to show how no one cares about a starving dog so he, himself, starves a dog? I can think of a hundred other ways to get across a similar message. How about he invites people to an animal shelter to show off all the animals there?

Anything can be ****ing art these days. Ridiculous. Let's slaughter some babies and called it anti abortionist.
Here's the thing though. Now I know you worked in a animal shelter so put that bias aside, dumb your IQ down 40 points and see it from this perspective.

You see picture of dogs in animal shelters starving. Its "sad." You don't do ****.

Now you see these pictures and are angry that he could do this for such a dog, you join a facebook group or whatever to shut him down. But wait. We missed the point a little.

He PURPOSELY wanted to bring this issue to attention, I'm not agreeing with his methods, but we certainly wouldn't be arguing over this **** if he just took some rich folks into an animal shelter now would we?

He made a martyr of this dog that was seen as a rat and now everyone is riled about it. Maybe, just maybe-and I'm going out on a limb here. Maybe we should take this message and not waste our time with petitions or facebook groups, and actually help out these animals not that we're aware.

2 cents from someone who can't sleep and seeing the bigger picture.
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