Originally Posted by Spike*Spiegel
 you're ok with mediocrity?? I expect more than 1 or 2 good songs out of an album before I even consider buying it. Personally, I think it's a load of bs that they think they can skate by like that... I like the Foo Fighters, but I will not be purchasing any of their music any time soon. Utorrent ftw
How can you call an album that spawns multiple #1 hits mediocre? Very few albums are chock-full of gold. I agree that the filler can be somewhat sh*tty (by definition), but it's either put out a record with multiple hits and some filler once a year, or wait 5-10 years until they can write an album bound to be full of #1 hits and then release it. Which is more economically viable? (I realize how a real music fan would answer this, me being one as well, but this is the real world we live in, people have to make a living).