Originally Posted by sweet_nothing
 the sex pistols realesed 1 album! So how can you say that  the Ramones realesed 14 and IMO all of them combined don't compare to Never Mind The Bollocks
Where did I say the Sex Pistols ever released more than one album? It's a fair comparison to compare one album to one album in addition to that the Sex Pistols were hardly the most versatile band in the world were they? Also all of that still doesn't change the fact you made a blanket statement about the Ramones that was completely incorrect. It's a pretty stupid thing to debate anyway.
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
True , But the first 2 P.I.L. albums were mostly made up of material Lydon originally wanted to use in the Pistols but was rejected by the rest of the band and McLaren.
I realise that this is no argument to that and that the Pistols never chose to utilize those things but they were there had they chosen to do it. And End of the Century isn't really THAT much of a departure. Apart from a couple of ballads and Spector's OTT production it sounds just like any other Ramones album.
It's still more versatility than you see on Never Mind the Bullocks. It's a pretty silly argument anyway seeing as neither of these bands are known for their versatility or even should be. Sweet_Nothing needs to find less hypocritical things to criticize about the Ramones.