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Old 04-05-2008, 01:25 PM   #37 (permalink)
Miltamec Soundsquinaez
Aural melody discerner
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Yes, I like politics. I used to hate them. That's because in high school, I was naive, and thought, 'the government will do its job, and I will do mine'. I figured as long as politicians were generally doing what was best for the country, then I had no reason to get involved. So, my outlook changed for 2 reasons:
1. Our world is full of liars - particularly self-serving politicians, but everyone in general
2. The current administration has forced us to all become aware of politics. We can't take politics for granted anymore, because, if we're not paying attention, they will sweep the rug of freedom right out from under us. I'm not just talking laws, I'm also referring to mind control.

I'll take a moment to talk about The Fair Tax. This is a really great idea, and if you haven't heard of it, I suggest you look it up. Enacting the Fair Tax would essentially put a stop to any deductions coming out of your paycheck. No more paying federal tax, or social security. I'm not too sure about state income tax, but obviously you would be keeping at least 90% of your check. Then, the tax is paid in the market. Instead of having a roughly 6-7% tax on what you pay now (i.e. merchandise-coke bottle, pack of cigarettes, IPOD), that suddenly becomes 20%-30%)
Now, of course, people are so stupid, that when they get rung up they're going to be like 'what, this bag of pixie stix was only 99 cents, not a buck 20. Can't a person just go to the store and buy straws full of sugar without having such damage done to them?'
The great thing about this is:
1. The rich people, or people who are spending the most money are the ones who are going to be taxed the most.
2. The poorer people, or the people who are spending the least amount of money will be taxed the least.
3. If you are poor, or in a financial pinch, you can really lessen your tax burden by choosing to not buy stuff other than bare necessities. You can also use the tax as a political statement. If you're unhappy with your government, and the way they're currently handling certain issues, you can make a political statement by simply not purchasing items.
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