I don't have a problem with the Foo Fighters wanting to write radio friendly rock songs. What my problem with them is thats ALL they do.
A band will only release maybe 3 or 4 songs on an album for radio play as singles. This leaves at least another 8 or 9 songs on the album that an artist can do more or less anything they choose to with.What do the Foo Fighters do with these songs? They just use it for bland filler tracks that are just as formulaic as the stuff they put out on the radio.
In my opinion and also several other people's opinion that I know of who have followed Grohl's career over the years & who actually think he is talented and have a lot of time for him think that this is a huge waste of his obvious talent.
Urb's RYM Stuff
Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.