Originally Posted by JackJeckel
Because the Sex Pistols were ******* sellout drug addicts who did **** all to promote the punk scene and were doing what they did solely so they could support their next fix.
Not saying the Ramones weren't a bunch of glue sniffing dummies, but they weren't put together by some label dude with deep pockets.
do some research before you slander...something I learned on this site...
the Pistols were NOT sellouts, as soon as they saw what McLaren was trying to do to them and exploit them, the broke it off and broke up, and followed their own musical desires, and made hardly and money to boot!
and they were NOT drug addicts, only Sid Vicious was a druggie and he was on his own, but is classified as a short time member of the band....
The Ramones WERE ALL druggies, and fine...whatever....they were a good band and did wonders in the name of punk, but did not promote the ideas of Anarchy and freedom in your own home rebellion like the pistols did, they were American too, and the Pistols were English, so they were rebelling against completely different things....the Pistols were political, where as the Ramones(to me) were rebelling against society in general, so they are equally good for what they had to offer....