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Old 04-01-2008, 07:21 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Exactly It's all opinions based on bias information (mostly media based, TV, newspapers etc) and because people don't always completely understand it or take information in subjectively they ARE more likely to be stubborn with their view point.
Just watch the news programs from other countries and see how different the same story is portrayed from a different point of view.
Too much (complicated) information only confuses people to the point where they don't know what to think and end up thinking like the majority (what the TV tells them).
You can only be openminded when you see something from both points of view and even then it's still a 50% chance of being wrong. Sometimes something can be so convincing that you believe it to then 5 years later realise it was all bullsh|t.

"FORK IN THE ROAD: At a point you have to decide,
you stay openminded then after covering all aspects you make your decision.
A decision thats not rushed or judgemental but subjective and rational.
With some decisions you can still remain openminded after your choice as been made, you can go back over and rethink your decision.. with new evidence for example.
But sometimes you can't and it's these examples that prove that sometimes you can think you are right but time will prove you wrong.
'People' die and rott in jails because of decisions that were made to force a conclusion, just to satify people, stupid people. 'Innocent people'."

On religion, religious people don't understand reason.. they are merely vehicles for lies and misinformation.
It's amazing how whenever you speak to a christian just how easy it is to prove them wrong.. yet they refuse to listen and understand any point of view that is different to their own.
They don't what their comfort zone questioned, it would change too much.
Ignorance REALLY is bliss and curiosity killed the cat.
Would you like lies with that?
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