if POP means popular, than since the begining, punk music has all been POP - punk, so no it wouldnt be an oxymoron.....
However if it means Avril Lavigne, who's image, (maybe not actuall self) is a contradiction of everything that punk originally stood for, than yes, it is an oxymoron....
Originally Posted by Oomph!
Save the whales huh? So you don't care that American pop culture is a commercial wasteland that's breeding rampant hedonism and apathy toward socio-political issues that will one day, if left unchecked, cause the complete destruction of the middle class? Just trivial nonsense?
It doesn't matter at all that pop music perpetuates sheep-herd mentallity and promotes corporate exploitation that drives capitalitic greed and the gradual annihilation of our artistic values in favor of mindless materialism and conformity?
Thats the biggest overstatement Ive heard in the HISTORY OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!!!!
If people were that influenced by music than they really they shouldnt be doing anyhing but....
And I guarentee, if you were to scower any major city and find a Justin Timberlake fan in their 20's, they would most likely be a fairly smart and educated person with a decent job and good heart.... just because they dont find "AD Breakers" magazine relevant to their pleasent life, does not mean that they are corporate sheep.
If anything, I find metal influences way more people than pop music ever could, thats because people who like pop music, arent all that interested in music in general, and how can you blame them when ALL music these days is about 99% image... but thats another discussion for another time.