Originally Posted by GravitySlips
about whether pop-punk is an oxymoron.
it's a trivial way of describing music. anyone who actually likes punk for the music shouldn't be at all interested in whether "pop punk" is an oxymoron, it is such a redundant and stupid thing to waste energy arguing on, especially when there are more important things to consider such as developing more renewable energy sources and saving the whales.
Save the whales huh? So you don't care that American pop culture is a commercial wasteland that's breeding rampant hedonism and apathy toward socio-political issues that will one day, if left unchecked, cause the complete destruction of the middle class? Just trivial nonsense?
It doesn't matter at all that pop music perpetuates sheep-herd mentallity and promotes corporate exploitation that drives capitalitic greed and the gradual annihilation of our artistic values in favor of mindless materialism and conformity?