for your first guitar you REALLY shouldn't pay much attention to the name on the headstock so much as how the instrument feels in your hands. you're going to sound the same on a $99 piece of plywood as you will on a $3000 taylor when you're still learning chords.
second hand shops are ideal spots to find your first guitar. even if you don't know any chords yet just pick them up and see how they feel. so long as it feels comfortable in your hands and in your pocketbook you've got a winner.
once you've got your chords down and a few tunes under your belt and actually have an idea of what sort of sound your looking to get from your instrument THEN start looking for name brands.
my first one was a ultra cheap strat knockoff called a 'jaguar' wish i still had it. played it for about 2 years until i replaced it with a mexican strat that still sees action almost 13 years later.
i am the universe
Originally Posted by bandteacher1
I type whicked fast,