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Old 03-18-2008, 04:57 PM   #776 (permalink)
daddy don't
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Dunno I thought the black and white was a tad predictable, but that's a personal gripe. I'm not saying it was an awful film either there are some scenes that really stuck out, and I've always been a JD fan...
It just seemed exploitative to me. I mean does everything have to be turned into hour-and-a-half chunks and given grandiose taglines ('he changed the face of music...') to be appreciated or discussed?
I think anybody who would potentially enjoy Joy Division would be able hear about them without the aid of a 2-disc deluxe edition DVD... New Order really milked the NME 'Godlike Genius' award situation and the word-of-mouth awareness transcends cult status.
Plus it's also basically a celebration of what a **** the man was, I mean no doubt those two albums were amazing but he was just totally fame-hungry and self absorbed.

[SIZE="1"]Eff em
tumble her
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