Music Banter - View Single Post - Tate from Florida says HELLO
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Old 03-17-2008, 07:13 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Florida
Posts: 1
Default Tate from Florida says HELLO

Hello music banter alum-

I'm a singer/songwriter/your basic music wanna-be from Central Florida. I make a living as a graphic designer, but would be happy doing music, or even working as a personal chef. My brother taught me how to play guitar when I was 14, but I haven't really improved that much in the past 14 years! Seriously though, I do not consider myself to be much of a guitar player, but I do love to sing. Currently I'm trying to get my bro to help me record a demo so I can try to do something before I'm too old and washed up to be considered viable (30). That was a joke. sort of.

I've had a myspace page for awhile, and more recently got the balls to post videos of covers on youtube. I'm looking for honest opinions about my performances (but not meaness), and.. well.. musical banter I guess.
Nice to meet everyone!

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