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Old 03-13-2008, 06:13 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
I should have done this a long long time ago.......


1. A.A.
Taken from the E.P. Record Collectors Are Pretentious Assholes
2. Rubber Husband
Taken from the E.P. Record Collectors Are Pretentious Assholes
3. Lifestyles
Taken from the album Kings Of Punk
4. Hangover Heartattack
Taken from the E.P. Ian MacKaye
5. Getting The Fear
Taken from the E.P. Ian MacKaye
6. Up Front
Taken from the album Pajama Party
7. Plastic Bomb
Taken from the album Feel The Darkness
8. The Badge
Taken from the album Feel The Darkness
9. Taken By Surprise
Taken from the album Feel The Darkness
10. Feel The Darkness
Taken from the album Feel The Darkness
11. Star Of Baghdad
Taken from the album Blank Blackout Vacant
12. Punish Me
Taken from the album Blank Blackout Vacant
13. Don't Ask Why
Taken from the album Blank Blackout Vacant
14. Crippled Angel
Taken from the album Blank Blackout Vacant
15. Stare At The Sun
Taken from the album We Must Burn

If you have ever wondered what Motorhead would sound like if they were a hardcore band then meet the fattest junkies in the world ....Poison Idea

From 1980 till 1993 Poison Idea left a trail of booze , drugs , junk food & rock n roll in their wake as they pulverised audiences worldwide with their brand of old style rock n roll influenced punk rock. Included in this compilation is A.A. & Rubber Husband from their wonderfully titled Record Collectors Are Pretentious Assholes E.P. Lifestyles is the opener from their debut album Kings Of Punk. The Ian MacKaye E.P. is not named in tribute to the man but in mockery , Poison Idea were the antithesis of straight edge choosing the hedonistic rock n roll lifestyle rather than munching lettuce & drinking orange juice. Up Front is a Wipers cover from their covers album Pajama Party. The ultimate party album where the band proudly display their influences ranging from Elvis to Booker T & The MG's to the MC5 , to New York Dolls to The Damned to Motorhead , even the Go-Go's get a look in. The next 8 tracks are from the bands best 2 albums Feel The Darkness & Blank Blackout Vacant. Plastic Bomb is the blistering opener to their live shows. The Badge was covered by Pantera in a pitiful attempt to show how hard they are and that they're not really that hair metal band ... honest.
Feel The Darkness is the wonderful brooding title track from the album & quite possibly the bands best song ever. The 4 songs on Blank Blackout Vacant show the bands songwriting improving even more and see the band concentrating more on crushing your skull with heaviness rather than speed just like the way classic Motorhead used to. In fact the little bass solo during Crippled Angel could just as easily come from Overkill or Ace Of Spades album.
The compilation finishes off with Stare At The Sun. The closing track off that bands final album We Must Burn. The band split in 1993 when guitarist and founder member Tom 'Pig' Champion called it quits. They got back together in 2005 and recorded an album Latest Will & Testament but sadly on January 31st 2006 Pig Champion died & the album was released posthumously.

Nobody whoever heard or saw Poison Idea ever forgot them. Ask Jackhammer , he saw them live (Bastard!!!! ) . And in an age dominated by MTV the fact a bunch of ugly , drunk , overweight junkies can come out with some of the most awesome punk rock ever makes me feel a hell of a lot better.

I think only Urban and myself realise how much this means. Many many thanks. You have the music and I have seen them live! woop woop!

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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