Hey jackhammer, thanks for the Kode 9 & the Spaceape album man
I got into dubstep recently when I checked out Burial's selftitled, which was amazing. Love the dark, urban vibes from it, and the follow up Untrue was pretty boss as well (thanks again jackhammer

I just listened to Skream's selftitled a few days back and dug that as well. I was speaking to a guy at about Dubstep at a SKULLFLOWER gig of all things on Saturday nite, and he was recommending Benja and Kode 9. Also.....Kode 9 & the Spaceape are playing at the art scool near where I live, so that's a timely upload by yerself jackhammer. I'm gonna check that gig out.
I'm d/ling an album by Benja on soulseek just now as well.