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Old 03-11-2008, 07:50 PM   #2 (permalink)
Predator's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 344

First off, thank you for posting this.
The trend of no two metal bands being in the same genre has never made any sense to me. Metal is metal, why does it have to be complicated more than that. Mid 70's to late 80's has to be my favorite time frame. That is when metal evolved to what I love. Metal was at the forefront throughout the 80's and was able to make some major changes and grow. To bad glam took most of the spotlight.
Its funny how certain songs bring memories back. They say that smell has the closest tie to memory, but I think sound does. Mostly music for me. I can remember Holy Diver playing when my family was packing up to move from Washington to North Carolina. I caught my first football from my dad with Subdivisions playing.

Of course I have memories tied to other songs, but I'll just toss out a few others without any explaination.

NWOBHM made it possible. I think metal might have been a flash in the pan without it. Thank you UK.

MotorHead: Ace Of Spades and Orgasmatron

But Lemmy still doesn't want to be known as a heavy metal band.

Iron Maiden: The Trooper and Run To The Hills

So much good music from that time frame. Where do you start, where can you even consider ending. It shaped my taste and left me wanting more. I always end up back here.
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I be a lunatic

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