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Old 03-09-2008, 12:26 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by UberFilmBuff View Post
Thanks. I'm probably going to go to college up in Portland once I get out of high school. Just out of curiosity, what don't you like about Portland? I've been there a couple of times and I really liked it, and I've pretty much only heard good things about it (other than the weather and the traffic).
Well, for starters, the traffic is terrible. The MAX only makes things worse downtown. They have a way of squandering tax dollars on bad ideas like running MAX from Portland to Clackamas and a commuter train from Willsonville to Beaverton when they could do a lot for traffic for less by fixing the bottlenecks in the busiest parts if I-5. There is also the issue of bike nazi's. These guys think they own the roads and never stop at signs or lights. You hear all the time about a biker that gets caught in the wheels of a bus or truck because he wasn't paying attention. Now they want to take tax dollars that were paid for road improvements from things like vehicle licensing, registrations and fuel, and divert it to create better bike paths. The city allows protests and demonstrations on the city streets during the busiest times of the work week causing a such terrible backups its unreal. Then you have to consider the tweekers and street kids. Tweekers will steal anything that isn't bolted down and most things that are. Street kids are to lazy for that and bombard you begging for change and cigarettes.

There are plenty of good things about Portland. One of the most diverse music scenes I have ever seen. Its in a great location to make a run to the beach one day and be on a mountain top the next. The beer selection is awesome. There are microbreweries everywhere. Overall I'd give Portland a 6 out of 10. Its a pretty good city but the downfalls are big ones.
Jack be nimble
Jack be quick

I be a lunatic

The answer is hidden in plain view.

Last edited by Predator; 03-09-2008 at 12:33 PM.
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