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Old 03-04-2008, 05:58 PM   #2 (permalink)
daddy don't
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This is a brilliant idea for a thread... Let's get people back on this!
Here is my 10 track offering<<<

1. She Says Good Morning - The Pretty Things
From 'S.F. Sorrow', as a psychedelic listening experience this album is nearly unrivaled. Used to listen to this and be bitter.

2. That Man - The Fall
Used to listen to this and be bitter.

3. Cuttin' Headz - Ol' Dirty Bastard/RZA
From one of my favourite hip-hop albums, this track just epitomizes the genius of RZA's production, there was nothing like this before. It sounds like it was recorded on a four track with a sparse beat and a dusty piano sample.

4. I Can See You - Black Flag
I read Henry Rollins' Black Flag tour diaries ('Get in the Van') and some of his compendiums and I have just related to him at various points in my life. Still a massively under-appreciated band I think, and 'In My Head', their last album, just marks the end of their progression as post-hardcore luminaries. This track makes me feel like a plaid-wearing teen in a D.C. suburb. Or something...

5. Kyrie Eleison - The Electric Prunes
From the Prunes' sophomore effort, you may be able to tell by now that I am a psychedelia aficionado... but this really is amazing. Their second album was basically psych-reworkings of old hymns and Gregorian chants. Also known as 'that track off Easy Rider'.

6. Miss Know It All - Scientist
Scientist learned production and dub from the originator, King Tubby. This track reminds me of when I first got some decent speakers a couple of years ago and would have the Trojan dub compilations on repeat pretty much all the time. Big up the soundsystem man dem...

7. The Killing - the Ragga Twins
I can't remember who turned me onto the Ragga Twins' turn-of-the-last-decade electro/ragga/house LP classic, but it's one of my most cherished.

8. Rhythm and Gash - Tempa T
Grime music pulled me out of the abyss about a year ago. Listening to the pirate radio stations, buying the cheap-as-chips mixtapes and learning the lingo... this was music with unbridled anger and funnily enough, alot of positivity. And it's OURS... grime owes alot more to UK garage/ragga/dancehall than hip-hop and it's just ****ing street level and I love it.

9. Love and Pride - King
This sounds alot like the Associates, who were a much better New Wave act, but this clinical, 80's pop nugget was something I used to hear all the time.

10. Rudolf - Peyr (pronounced Theyr)
Can't remember how I discovered this band, they were and Icelandic post-punk/new wave act operating in the early 80's. The tracks I have heard of this album, sung in English, are on fire but it's long since out of print. This track is an objective look at yer average German citizen in 1935.

[SIZE="1"]Eff em
tumble her

Last edited by Molecules; 03-04-2008 at 07:17 PM.
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