I'll copy/paste my post from the other thread discussing this, here is a history lesson for everyone.
Our economy would be fucked over (even more so) if you got rid of all the illegal immigrants in our country. Aside from that I can hardly blame them for wanting to come over. The majority of Mexicans that are middle aged to older men who cross the border on there own to get a job and then they send cash to their families over the border because they just can't make fair wages over there which is The United States's fault and we have no interesting in fixing it or trying to help. America launched a huge predatory lending spree on Mexico like 35 years ago and it's been a huge factor in Mexico's now poor economic situation. Then Mexico hired an America accounting group to help sort it out and with the help of the US Government Mexico began building all the low wage malquiladoras and they working conditions are pretty sub standard for every country and have turned back allies of cities like Juarez into basically killing fields for Mexican women. Anyway, the farmers from Mexico are being forced from there land and sent to work in factories. This smashes possibly generations of culture and history for these people and take away the only life that they have ever know. Many people simply move to the city and work in the factories there for sub standard wages so they can go home to there 1 room shitty houses and try to raise there family, but many also seek the border as a possibility. Meanwhile the US continues to push Mexico into a minimum pay war with other countries to establish them as a low cost alternative to Asian manufacturing. This way US companies can keep up with there slave labor wages and at the same time save on sending it over sea by sending it across the border. The United States has put Mexico into a complete quagmire and leaves them no practical solutions to get out.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music