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Old 03-02-2008, 06:03 AM   #673 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
People don't quite understand why I like horror films when I watch films by Almodavar, Bergman, Scorsese, Brakhage etc but why stick to one genre of movies. I absolutely detest pg 13 type of horror films. They have to be very gory or on the flip side very suggestive. Here's an example. Hostel. Christ that film really pissed me off. Eli roth claims that he has made the sickest movie ever. he takes us into a torture room then at the money shots the camera moves. either go all the way and show me you have the balls to put it on film or keep the camera outside of the room and suggest to the audience what is going on. There is one shot in the film where a guy is being wheeled around the torture factory and the guy (thus we) glimpse the various torture room,. That was much more horrifying.

i'm not into seeing violence for the sake of it though. It must have consequences and purposeful reasons (in the case of the protagonist at least) for me to appreciate it. Unless it's a zombie film of course, then I just want to see some chowing down!
yeah I know what you mean when it comes to horror but with me I give everything in horror a chance even the pg-13 ones.....half of the time they their horror elements are classy and demonstrated in the way that some of the R-rated ones should have taken their films then there's the other half of the time when they just rely on the pop-up factor with the music

I enjoyed Hostel 2 more than the first one though....I liked being able to see behind the scenes of the organization that bids on each victim and by purposeful reasons you mean like the Saw movies yes?
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