1. been to Japan to play basketball.twice!
2. been out with the same girl 3 times, with different people imbetween
3. jumped on a guys head, in primary school, in attempting to make him laugh (it was an accident)
4. Swallowed something chunky from the sea while surfing, still dont know what it was.
5. Swung a kid's (same kid from '3', just a few years later) head into a metal basketball pole.
6. Have tiger Wood's autograph (grandparents got it off him b4 he was famous)
7. In a band
8. Been on TV, in a magazine, in a newspaper both local and international.
9. had an illergic reation to some thing they gave me in hospital and nealy died if it wasnt for my mum.
10. Peerpressured a mate, to head-butt an egg i threw at him at school, then wash his hair in the toilet, then lick bird sh1t for about $3.00 AU.
"True friends stab you in the front"
---The Beltsville Crucible---