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Old 02-26-2005, 11:29 PM   #10 (permalink)
Full-Time Hellion
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I don't believe I'm posting in this thread.

I like 3 Doors Down to an extent. I liek tehy're new stuff. MOst of t anyways. I like ethir old stuff a good deal of it anyways.
I'm kidna wishy washy.

I love the Offspring. I'd worship them if I weren't currently busy at the moment. There isn't a single song of theirs that i can think of that I don't like. I love that song they did for the Orange County Soundtrack. I love Black jack too come to think of it.

I like Green Day. I like their older stuff more than their new stuff from American Idiot. It's not that their American Idito album is bad or anything. I just dont like teh fact that when I go to a green Day concert from now on that I"ll be going with a bunch of bleach blonde 12 year old girls because they're so commcerial as of recently.
It's enough to make me sick. Sad really. They had potential say about 3 years ago to be one of the greatest adn they do this.
I say we all start a riot and sign a petition athat puts a abdn on MTV and pre teen bleach blonde wanna be punk chics and dudes. Who's with me?

Yeha well I gotta go. I'm tired. I gotta finsh getting this **** out my hair and get my life back on track.

PS: do not sleep with candy in your mouth if you're liable to open your mouth at any moment or if you sleep with your mouth open because there's a good chance it'll get in your hair and it's really really not the best thing in the world.
And yes. it was a nutterbutter, tooth paste residue, and gum. Although I'm pretty sure I fell asleep eating only the nutter butter and I rinsed out all the tooth paste. I think my little bro was playing and putting stuff in my hair while I was sleep.

Peace out.
A pair of powerful spectacles has sometimes sufficed to cure a person in love.

~ Friedrich Nietzsche
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