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Old 02-27-2008, 03:19 PM   #249 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: London
Posts: 466

Look at Britney, Robbie, that woman who had huge tits and married the 150 year old bloke.
Look at all the alcohol addiction and drugs?
Money is a temporary pleasue but then you need love and support.
These men travel first class to New York to see friends when they want etc but they are not loved and do not feel love.
All they need is love love love is all they need.
But they have none.
Plus they steer clear of hard drugs as that is why they are rich and are able to accumalate money throgh work and discipline and therefore are no skint junkies.
But love and just didn't happen for them.
Plus their wives keep disappearing back to the Ukrane after only six weeks of marriage leaviing a note saying "leave you long time pig"
he he he
You know an interesting thing about Oasis?
In 1991 they formed and they practiced for days and hours on end and other bands using the practice studios said they'd come back 6 hours later and find them still practicing the same few lines or chords till it was perfect. They gave the impression of not caring but in fact they were such a close unit that with all going on around them they only saw each other in a closet atmosthere and wouldn't let anyone inside and rode in a tour bus together and that is why they made good songs. Other bands are too into having a good time pissing around.
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