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Old 02-22-2008, 08:45 PM   #181 (permalink)
sleepy jack
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Originally Posted by ADELE View Post
I'm only jesting with you!
Just kicking round a few ideas.
I am Irish anyway!
It is better to go at it then to all add a separate name to the pot.
You see, I actually believe what I say about the bands I have mentioned but it is only because it gets people thinking and coming up with counter arguements and that is fun for everyone.
I am not saying I am right but I am saying I think I am.
It isn't US V UK but you have to understand that the US controls the music industry and what people hear and therfore like is determined by US record compaines. This is why they push the agenda for US bands more as they sell more and why when a movement is created or explodes they want to cash in and make it US to sell over in the US and then worldwide. Like Rap? They latch onto it and market it.
If you get one explosion and it sells the US record compainies seize every available act in that genre and market them till the nest thing comes along.
Why do you think US kids don't ever like music from say Australia? Because until some band there makes an explosion the record compainies in the US wont market their own versions of that band to profit.
That is why credit should be paid to a band or person who single handedly changes the music landscape and actually gets the US record execs to change course and go head on for that new theme. That takes a hell of a lot of inspiration and talent to change the record compaines direction.
KLike the Beatles suddenly changed the US record industry with their explosion and the record industry then got all the acts they could to copy or chane to be like them.
Same with the Who and then pistols. Remember until the pistols US record companies investing zero in punk bands and all their money went into prog rock.
It still would have had not one band changed that direction through sheer force of ideas and talent.
Then the US record companies go back to making money with safe acts like Elton John again.
The US controls what we hear and what we know about. Only a sheer act of immense talent and ideas ever changes their agenda (albeit for a short while)
I feel the US has an unfair control of what joe public hears and that is why I champion any act that changes that pattern.
This is ridiculous, how is the UK any different? Last time I checked hardly ANY major labels were investing in punk rock before it exploded. It's how things work with any movement. You assume it's only the US? You need to get a reality check or something.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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