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Old 02-25-2005, 10:02 PM   #40 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 27

Alienation sucks, I think alot of us have gone through that. Most people who weren't part of the norm in highschool most likely went through that I'm sure. People grow up or at least learn to keep their mouth shut later... eventually.

Best thing is to ignore them, it sucks cuz most likely they'll keep going at it hopefully trying to get a rise out of you but most will stop. Still though, they may stop doing things up front but you'll end up with a reputation of being a cutter, emo ***, etc. But hey who really cares you know? It's highschool, most people in highschool are complete moronic dip ****s. In a couple of years that stuff won't even matter to you anymore.

It's sad, I mean highschool is hard enough for some people, hell life is hard enough for some people, yet we make it harder by alienating each other over the dumbest things. I got my friends to stop alienating others from what music they listened to back in junior high, I mean it's musical preferance, we really shouldn't be hating other people just for that.

What you should do though, is get into a debate with them. Let it lead onto some subject where you can throw things at them that show what kind of tool they are... bring up social norms, popularity, ignorance, etc. I find it funny when people get offended when you call them "f@g, a$$hole, etc." Those are so weak nowadays the only way I insult them is by bringing up things they're trying so hard to cover up. You gotta rip them to their core, show what kind of person they are to world. Like Tommyrocker said, stand your ground.
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