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Old 02-18-2008, 10:36 PM   #6 (permalink)
The Unfan
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Originally Posted by oojay View Post
What are you even talking about? Conservatives don't want people to admit to being an a$$hole? This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. What does a person's political ideology have to do with them embracing an a$$hole?
I'm saying that if I'm an a.sshole why shouldn't I act like one? Why do conservatives typically feel it is their role to govern human thought and emotion? If I honestly feel that [insert something here] is [insert something else here] why shouldn't I be able to express it in public without having a horde of closed minded morality pushers trying to legislate it away? If someone wants to say something on the radio, why should they have to censor it? If you're offended walk away or turn the channel and let the people who have something to say say it. If you then feel you have something to say back than say it, but for Nonexistent Deity's sake don't take away their freedom to do so. After all, a freedom I don't have is a freedom you don't have.

Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent
but how is not hiring someone based on their race not harming them?
It doesn't create a condition in which they are fiscally or physically worse off than they were before applying therefore you didn't cause any harm. You just chose not to help, which should be your right. We shouldn't be obligated to nanny everyone.
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