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Old 02-05-2008, 06:47 PM   #115 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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pot-im pretty sure iv already posted my first time smoking but nothing happend
the first time it worked for me it was some insane creeper that hit me during a fair ride, id say still ranking in the top 10 most strangest things to happen to me when high

xanax- me and a friend split one and got all messed up this was aobut 1/12 years ago and we went to my house ate the two most amazing sandwiches ever, sat in some really confortable chairs and after a little while relized that you felt different depending on how you sat, ended up sitting in some what normally would of been pretty uncomfortable positions but it was nice at the time

mushrooms- not much just felt weird i dont think i took enough

coke- not much decided i didnt like it

ive had other pills and such none as great as xanax
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