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Old 01-29-2008, 11:27 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by savannah View Post
instanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting difference results,...
or so my mother always told me,....

i'm gonna be canid here, as its not like any of you really know me,...but,...

when i was a freshman in high school, i found my best friend and her mother dead,.....i was supost to be with the at the time of their passing, but opted to take a different route that day,...

it was truely one of the most devestating things i've ever gone through, and because i was young, grief stricken, confused and felt alot of guilt, i did something questionable things which led to my mother having me commited for a few months,....

in those few months i learned that often what the general public considers insane, depression,....
and while surrounded by truely insane people (those who talk to walls for example) you relizes there's nothing wrong with you and its ok to be,....sad
What the general public think and what are fact are two different things. I don't want to sound like a ****, bit this really bothers me. Society fears mental disorders because of a lack of understanding. The general public seems to believe that the mentally ill are dangerous and unpredictable. Anyone with a brain knows this is wrong and just as bad as saying that all women can cook.
The DSM IV, which is the standard for diagnosing mental disorders has no diagnosis for insanity. Insanity is a legal definition for someone whose mental disorders are so severe that they are not fit to make their own decisions. An insane person cannot stand trial and cannot function on their own. Most people with a mental disorder are capable of both.

It takes a judge to declare insanity.
Jack be nimble
Jack be quick

I be a lunatic

The answer is hidden in plain view.
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