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Old 01-27-2008, 01:28 PM   #9 (permalink)
Rainard Jalen
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Originally Posted by Comus View Post
Since when are Rush, Thin Lizzy and Zeppelin metal?
I was just thinking about this before you posted it. I think the fact is that the meaning of "Metal" has simply taken an extreme turn since the late 80s. In modern terms, of course, those bands are simply hard-rock, but at the time, or so I'm led to believe, Heavy Metal could easily incorporate those kinds of acts. In fact, even Michael Bolton (!!) came under the banner of metal once upon a time.

It's more about how you conceptualize metal. A parallel can be drawn with contemp r&b: with only exposure to the modern hip-pop scene, you wouldn't hear a rhythm and blues song of the 60s or 70s and think to yourself "that's r&b" without some necessary explanation being given to you first. Same really goes for metal. Some kid brought up on Slipknot ain't gonna believe in a million years that Led Zep could be called metal.
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